According to the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA),…
Lead in fine particles can be inhaled and absorbed directly through the lungs or ingested and absorbed by the GI…
Lead toxicity was first recorded as early as 250 BC when physician Nikander of Colophon associated acute lead poisoning with…
The EPA regulations for lead concentrations in soil are 400 ppm(parts per million) for residential property, child-occupied facilities, or play…
Despite efforts to reduce lead exposure, there are still many house/housing facilities that contain lead-based paint. Children pose the most…
Phytoremediation success depends on the bioavailability of the lead in the soil. Bioavailability is the amount of metals available for…
Residential areas in San Antonio, Texas, and Baltimore, Maryland, were chosen for the study (Andra et al. 2006). Baltimore, Maryland,…